Did you know that if you smiled at me, my brain would think I am smiling (even if I am not).
According to Shawn Achor, New York Times Best Selling author of The Happiness Advantage, research shows that “if a brain is scanned while someone is smiling, small parts of the brain called mirror neurons light up. If you show someone a photo of someone who is smiling, those mirror neurons fire, telling your brain that you are the one smiling, and your mouth responds with a smile.”
So why is this important?
Every day you may be unconsciously spreading either positivity or negativity towards other people without knowing it as we all have a wireless connection towards one another due to mirror neurons.
Therefore next time you are meeting with a client, working with a co-worker, or making a business speech, remember that your feelings and facial expressions will influence those around you.
If you want to succeed and positively impact those around you, smile and focus on what you are grateful for. A loving attitude towards work, family, and life will greatly impact how successful you are in life.
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